example 1<Student inherit Person>
//example 1 //define super class Person function Person(personId, name){ this.personId = personId || ""; //constructor this.name = name || ""; /** * meaning constructor * if (name is undefined) this.name = ""; * else this.name = name; */ //getter and setter method this.setPersonId = function(personId){ this.personId = personId; return this; } this.getPersonId = function(){ return this.personId; } this.setName = function(name){ this.name = name; return this; } this.getName = function(){ return this.name; } } //define sub class Student function Student(studentId){ this.studentId = studentId || ""; //getter and setter method this.setStudentId = function(studentId){ this.studentId = studentId; return this; } this.getStudentId = function(){ return this.studentId; } } //Student inherit Person Student.prototype = new Person; //*********** var student = new Student("0000000000") .setPersonId("1111111111111") .setName("Redcrow"); console.log(student); //
example 2 <NumberFormatException inherit Exception>
//example 2 //define super class Exception function Exception(name, message){ this.name = name || "Exception"; this.message = message || ""; //getter and setter method this.printException = function(){ console.error(this.name + " : " + this.message); } this.getMessage = function(){ return this.message; } this.getName = function (){ return this.name; } this.toString = function(){ return this.name + " : [" + this.message + "]"; } } //define sub class NumberFormatException function NumberFormatException(message){ this.message = message || ""; } //NumberFormatException inherit Exception NumberFormatException.prototype = new Exception("NumberFormatException"); try{ throw new NumberFormatException("hello NumberFormatException!"); }catch(ex){ console.log(ex); console.log(ex.toString()); console.log("excetion name : " + ex.getName()); console.log("exception message : " + ex.getMessage()); if(ex instanceof NumberFormatException){ ex.printException(); console.log("ex instanceof NumberFormatException"); } if(ex instanceof Exception){ console.log("ex instanceof Exception"); } }finally{ console.log("finally"); } //
/** * public static class Class */ var Class = { extends : function(subClass, superClass) { var Define = function() {}; Define.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new Define(); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.superClass = superClass.prototype; if(superClass.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor) { superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass; } } }; /** * Exception class */ var Exception = function(name, message){ this.name = name || "Exception"; this.message = message || ""; }; Exception.prototype.printException = function(){ console.error(this.name + " : " + this.message); }; Exception.prototype.getMessage = function(){ return this.message; }; Exception.prototype.getName = function (){ return this.name; }; Exception.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.name + " : [" + this.message + "]"; }; //end Exception class /** * NumberFormatException class */ var NumberFormatException = function(message){ NumberFormatException.superClass.constructor.call(this, "NumberFormatException", message); }; //NumberFormatException inherit Exception Class.extends(NumberFormatException, Exception); try{ throw new NumberFormatException("hello NumberFormatException!"); }catch(ex){ console.log(ex); console.log(ex.toString()); console.log("excetion name : " + ex.getName()); console.log("exception message : " + ex.getMessage()); if(ex instanceof NumberFormatException){ ex.printException(); console.log("ex instanceof NumberFormatException"); } if(ex instanceof Exception){ console.log("ex instanceof Exception"); } }finally{ console.log("finally"); } //