
วันจันทร์ที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Primefaces Query WidgetVar By Css Selector : javascript

        เอาไว้ query primefaces widgetVar instance ด้วย css class selector ครับ เช่น บางทีเราอยากได้ widgetVar dialog ของ primefaces เราก็จะใช้ classSelector = 'ui-dialog'

 * @author redcrow  
 * create 20/05/2014
 * code http://na5cent.blogspot.com/2014/05/primefaces-query-widgetvar-by-css.html 
PrimefacesQuery = (function(global) {

    function forEachProperty(object, callback, ctx) {
        for (var prop in object) {
            if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                callback.call(ctx, object[prop], prop, object);

    function getWidgetVar(classSelector) {
        var list = [];
        forEachProperty(global, function(value) {
            is(value, classSelector) && list.push(value);

        return list;

    function is(object, classSelector) {
            return object && object.jq
                    && object.jq.attr
                    && object.jq.attr('class')
                    && object.jq.attr('class').indexOf(classSelector) !== -1;
        }catch(e){ //protect security policy for accessing some object, can't access by external script
            return false;

    return {
         * @param {String} classSelector - css class selector (of widgetVar) such as 'ui-dialog'
         * @returns {Array} array of widgetVar objects
        queryWidgetVar: function(classSelector) {
            return getWidgetVar(classSelector);
Example to use
//multiple widget dialogs
var widgetVarDialogs = PrimefacesQuery.queryWidgetVar('ui-dialog');

